Magnum, P.I. Wiki

A Leopard on the Prowl is the twentieth episode of the second season finale for the 2018 remake of Magnum P.I., and the thirty-ninth episode overall, which was aired on May 8, 2020.


Magnum and Higgins help Rick when his father figure, Icepick, just out of prison and battling terminal cancer, gets double crossed on one last score. Also, Magnum makes one last bold move to help Higgins stay in the country.


Magnum face-to-face with Robin Masters' dogs: Zeus and Apollo. Higgins is trying to talk Magnum into showing a degree of confidence. There is an hilarious exchange between Higgins and Magnum where she, after him calling her Yoda.

Higgins likes pulling Magnum’s strings. Zeus and Apollo, as long as Magnum doesn’t express confidence in front of them, isn’t going to get the dogs to play ball.

Magnum, not accepting there is nothing that can be done to help Higgins, speaks with Five-O Detective Adam Noshimuri about the situation. It requires an expensive immigration attorney and someone with significantly deep pockets. Needing a friend with significant financial resources, something we rarely see Magnum do, he places a call to Robin.

Meanwhile, trying to keep his father out of trouble, Orville “Rick” Wright tries to stop Francis “Icepick” Hofstetler doing something seriously stupid.

Even though Rick initially talks Icepick out of accompanying Reese on a heist, after the LaMariana Tiki Bar owner leaves his father at home, the s*** apparently hit the fan when he went ahead with the robbery.

In an off-camera incident, something Icepick should have seen coming, Reese shot and killed the security guard. He then turned his gun on Icepick. Rick, the following morning, finds his father injured.

Whilst Reese confronts Rick at the tiki bar, wanting to know where his father is, there is a fight. It’s a great fight scene where there really isn’t a winner. Reese escapes the scene before Rick can yield the upper hand.

Magnum and Higgins, in following leads that take them to the security guard’s girlfriend Cynthia Lloyd (Alesha Renee), find themselves in trouble when they come face-to-face with Reese.

The fight we see in the opening sequence ultimately ends with Reese’s death. Detective Gordon Katsumoto (Tim Kang) arrests Icepick for his role in the heist. Katsumoto, not happy with Rick, tells him that he should expect a call from the prosecuting attorney.

Zeus and Apollo, when Higgins talks to the dogs, knows there is something wrong. It’s a touching scene that series fans should appreciate. Even though we don’t get to see Robin in the flesh, in an off-camera conversation, it seems the issues Higgins had with her immigration status are resolved.

There is an old obscure law, one pertaining to businesses valued at over $500,000 with at least five employees, that allows Higgins to remain in these United States. Robin signed over Robin’s Nest and all its content to Higgins. This officially makes Higgins the boss. Consequently, because of this, there is no need for Higgins to return to the British Isles


  • It reveals that Higgins wants to stay in this country.
  • Tani Rey has been mentioned, but does not appeared.
  • Reese calls Higgins Mary Poppins.
  • Higgins confesses to Magnum that she is not a Star Trek fan.
  • Magnum call Higgins Yoda as she has such sharp eyesight.


  • Sean Murphy


  • H50's Ian Anthony Dale made his guest appearance in this episode.


[Cellphone ringing]
Thomas Magnum: Thomas Magnum.
Adam Noshimuri: Hey. It's Adam Noshimuri with Five-O. Tani Rey gave me your number.
Thomas Magnum: Yeah, Thanks for getting me back to me.
Adam Noshimuri: Of Course.
Thomas Magnum: Tani fill you in?
Adam Noshimuri: She did. And I reached out to an immigration attorney I know. He's hooked up a few of yakuza with legit papers. He says there might be one option, but it's a long shot and very expensive.
Thomas Magnum: Legal?
Adam Noshimuri: As far as I know. He didn't give into details. Look, I'll text you his contact info so you can follow up.
Thomas Magnum: Great. Yeah, much appreciated.
Adam Noshimuri: No problem. Hope it works out. Aloha.
Thomas Magnum: Aloha.



Crossover guest[]



  • Cowboy Cerrone as Reese
  • Alesha Renee as Cynthia Lloyd
  • Billy Malone as Sean Murphy
  Season 2
Payback Is for BeginnersHonor Among ThievesKnight Lasts ForeverDead InsideMake It 'Til DawnLie, Cheat, Steal, KillThe Man in the Secret RoomHe Came by NightA Bullet Named FateBlood BrothersDay I Met the DevilDesperate MeasuresMondays Are for MurderA Game of Cat and MouseSay Hello to Your PastFarewell to LoveThe Night Has EyesA World of TroubleMay the Best One WinA Leopard on the Prowl