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The Cat Who Cried Wolf is the seventh episode of the first season in the 2018 remake of Magnum P.I. which was aired on November 5, 2018.


Magnum takes the case of a little girl's missing cat and, in the process, stumbles upon another cat's murdered owner who happens to be an FBI agent.


Kumu enters Magnum's room and took his shirt as requested by Higgins to be used in the dog's retraining. Magnum get a request from a little girl Cecilia to look for her missing orange tabby cat who has freckles and named "Mittens", Magnum shows allergic reaction to cats.

Based on Kumu's suggestion, Magnum tries to lure Mittens using a plate of sardines mixed with rice. After spending a whole night chasing out dogs and mice, he finally got an orange tabby cat but without freckles, the cat "Max" has blood on it's paw.

In Master's house, Magnum asks for Higgin's help after his allergic reaction worsen due to close contact with Max. Higgins helps with the tracking collar and got him the possible location of Max's owner and some antihistamine. Higgins asks Magnum why didn't he scan for Max's chip, turns out Magnum has no idea that pet can be chipped. In the owner's supposed home, they found a body, blood trail and a balaclava mask. A man flees from that house and they lost him. They go to hospital and met Katsumoto, telling him about the case. They went back to the house but it was cleaned up with the body missing. Magnum realised that he didn't have allergic reaction in the house and deduced that Max didn't live there. They surmised that the victim also didn't live there.

Rick and TC tracking down the cat using the tracker. Higgins back in Master's house trying to track the real owner of the house they found the body in. Magnum returns to Cecilia and tries to reassure her on Mittens' dissapearance with his past story about his uncle's pet. Higgins calls Magnum and say that the house belongs to the FBI. Rick and TC got on the line and report that they found Max and got his chip scanned and got an address. Magnum and Higgins go to the new address and found out it was definitely Max's home and his owner is Colin Francis. They found out he is an FBI agent and he was protecting Robert Fraser, an informant getting away from Vasiliev clan. They saw a recording of Francis getting shot and face of the shooter. Katsumoto recognize the shooter as FBI agent Carl Nadella and they try to catch him before he kills Fraser. Higgins found Fraser but Magnum was taken by Nadella. He bring Magnum to the sea with Francis's body. The boat caught on fire and explode while they fought which end up with Magnum shooting Nadella underwater. Magnum return to Cecilia and found out that Mittens returns by himself.


  • Magnum tries to go to sleep and he later woke up.
  • Cecilia is looking for her missing cat named "Mitten" and plans to hire Magnum.
  • Magnum has found Mittens and he's allergic to cats.
  • Magnum mentioned about his uncle’s pet parrot.
  • What happened to Max (Cat)? Nobody knows.


  • Colin Francis


  • The red Hawaiian shirt given to Magnum, also called an Aloha Shirt, is similar to the one worn by Tom Selleck but is not the same shirt. The one worn in the original series is from the brand 'Paradise Found' and the pattern is called 'Jungle Bird'. This shirt's pattern is just palm trees on a red background.


Thomas Magnum: Uh, well, I was, uh... I was hired to find a cat, and...
Gordy Katsumoto: [Laughing] I-I'm sorry, a cat? Is he serious?
Juliet Higgins: Sadly, yes.
Thomas Magnum: Anyway, I found the cat. It was the wrong one. This one had blood on it. We tracked the cat back here, we found body. Figured the cat came in contact with the body at some point.
Gordy Katsumoto: And where's your furry witness now?




  • Stella Edwards as Cecilia Simpson
  • Navi Rawat as Isabelle Simpson
  • Austin Basis as Robert Fraser
  • Carlos Sanz as Carl Nadella
  • Andy McDermott as Colin Francis

External links[]

  Season 1
I Saw the Sun RiseFrom the Head DownThe Woman Who Never DiedSix Paintings, One FrameSudden DeathDeath Is Only TemporaryThe Cat Who Cried WolfDie He SaidThe Ties That BindBad Day to Be a HeroNowhere to HideWinner Takes AllDay of the ViperI, The DeceasedDay the Past Came BackMurder Is Never QuietBlack Is the WidowA Kiss Before DyingBlood in the WaterThe Day It All Came Together