Magnum, P.I. Wiki

The Ties That Bind is the ninth episode of the first season in the 2018 remake of Magnum P.I. which was aired on November 19, 2018.


After a traumatized teenager escapes from being kidnapped, her parents hire Magnum to track down the kidnappers...though the teen won't open up until she's in Higgins' care. Something more sinister lies behind it all...


  • In this episode Higgens is seen doing target practice with clay discs



  • Lyrica Okano and Louis Ozawa Changchien are guest appearances in this episode.
  • When Magnum use the excavator to dig the dirt, he could have easily crushed and killed Mari. That was not advisable in that situation.


Thomas Magnum: (Beating on suspect) Where is she?
Juliet Higgins: (Pulls Magnum off the guy) There's another way.
Juliet Higgins: (Sympathetic to suspect) Your friends are dead. H.P.D is on the way. This is your one chance to do the right thing.
Suspect: (Through gritted teeth) Screw you!
Juliet Higgins: (back to Magnum) Proceed.
(Beating resumes)




  • Lyrica Okano as Amanda Sako
  • Louis Ozawa Changchien as Alan Sako
  • Kimiko Gelman as Mari Sako
  • Wiley Pickett as Nick Warner
  • Julian Yuen as Carter Ning
  • Adam Burnett as Glasses
  • Kimo Kahoano as Donny
  • Zaid Bates as Guard #3
  • Michael Mikasa as Andrew Gore

External links[]

  Season 1
I Saw the Sun RiseFrom the Head DownThe Woman Who Never DiedSix Paintings, One FrameSudden DeathDeath Is Only TemporaryThe Cat Who Cried WolfDie He SaidThe Ties That BindBad Day to Be a HeroNowhere to HideWinner Takes AllDay of the ViperI, The DeceasedDay the Past Came BackMurder Is Never QuietBlack Is the WidowA Kiss Before DyingBlood in the WaterThe Day It All Came Together