Magnum, P.I. Wiki
Character Flag - American Male Military Navy SEAL Season 1 Season 2 File:Season 3.png

Theodore "TC" Calvin is a Marine veteran and helicopter pilot. He now does helicopter tours in Hawaii. He is also a member of Magnum's team and portrayed by actor Stephen Hill.


When TC was a kid, his mom abandoned her Family. So, his dad stepped up and gave TC a decent upbringing. He had two jobs to support his family. For TC his dad is a hero. That’s why he loves being a surrogate dad for at-risk kids.

But one day his dad was arrested. He was a suspect in a bank robbery. TC told his friends that the charges were dropped, but that was a lie. His dad was involved in the robbery and went to prison for it. TC lived with his grandparents for six years until his dad got early parole. He did not just lie to Magnum and Rick, but also to himself.

TC, call sign “Little Bird”, is a former Marine Corps helicopter pilot. TC is now the owner/operator, of Island Hoppers, the smallest but best helicopter tour business in Hawaii. He lives in a mobile home.

TC is one of Magnum’s groups of loyal friends who bonded when they were all POWs in Afghanistan.


  • When he was a kid, there was an art studio right down the street from his dance class. That inspired his interest in art. When he couldn't get into art school, he studied art history (and never told Rick and Magnum about it).
  • In his free time, he coaches a junior football team.
  • He has never been to Detroit.
  • He mentions in S3E5 that he is from North Carolina when a hurricane is approaching the island.


Season One
I Saw the Sun Rise From the Head Down The Woman Who Never Died Six Paintings, One Frame Sudden Death Death Is Only Temporary The Cat Who Cried Wolf Die He Said The Ties That Bind Bad Day to Be a Hero Nowhere to Hide Winner Takes All
Day of the Viper I, The Deceased Day the Past Came Back Murder Is Never Quiet Black Is the Widow A Kiss Before Dying Blood in the Water The Day It All Came Together
Season Two
Payback Is for Beginners Honor Among Thieves Knight Lasts Forever Dead Inside Make It 'Til Dawn Lie, Cheat, Steal, Kill The Man in the Secret Room He Came by Night A Bullet Named Fate Blood Brothers Day I Met the Devil Desperate Measures
Mondays Are for Murder A Game of Cat and Mouse Say Hello to Your Past Farewell to Love The Night Has Eyes A World of Trouble May the Best One Win A Leopard on the Prowl
Season Three
Double Jeopardy (reboot) Easy Money No Way Out First The Beatdown, Then The Blowback The Day Danger Walked In Tell No One Killer on the Midnight Watch Someone To Watch Over Me The Big Payback The Long Way Home
The Lies We Tell Dark Harvest Cry Murder Whispers of Death Before the Fall Bloodline
Season Four
Island Vibes The Harder They Fall Texas Wedge Those We Leave Behind Til Death Devil On The Doorstep A New Lease On Death A Fire in the Ashes Better Watch Out Dream Lover If I Should Die Before I Wake Angels Sometimes Kill
Judge Me Not Run, Baby, Run Dead Man Walking Evil Walks Softly Remember Me Tomorrow Shallow Grave, Deep Water The Long Sleep Close to Home
Season Five
The Passenger The Breaking Point Number One with a Bullet NSFW Welcome to Paradise, Now Die! Dead Ringer Birthright Dark Skies Charlie Foxtrot Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Hit and Run Three Bridges Appetite for Danger Night Has a Thousand Eyes The Retrieval Suffer Little Children Consciousness of Guilt Extracurricular Activities Ashes to Ashes The Big Squeeze


Magnum P.I. Characters
Current Thomas MagnumJuliet HigginsRick WrightTheodore CalvinGordon KatsumotoTeuila Tuileta
Other Noelani CunhaDuke LukelaKamekona TupuolaFlippa TupuolaSebastian NuzoIcepickLuther GillisBuck GreeneJin JeongKenny "Shammy" ShambergDennis KatsumotoBeth KatsumotoLia KaleoSuzy MadisonChris Childs